Yes. If you know the tune and lyrics for your song and have a fair idea of what the song structure would be like, we can produce the backing instrumental track. After recording the vocals and other instruments we can mix and master the track to create the final output.
Yes. We have clients from all over the world. Although many kinds projects can be done online, there are certain things which we can’t really do online. Please visit the Services page for more details. If you have any specific queries, feel free to email us at theparallaxproductions@gmail.com
* If you've never recorded on a click track, start practicing using a metronome. * If you composed the song, make sure that the song structure has a progression you are happy with. * Have an idea of what you want the finished song to sound like. * Practice, practice, practice ! Donec ac elementum diam. Ut quam orci, posuere quis lacus sed, vehicula rhoncus massa. Nunc volutpat nibh nulla, tincidunt egestas tellus faucibus nec.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pretium orci sit amet mi ullamcorper egestas. Sed non mattis metus. Integer vel lorem tincidunt, pharetra eros nec, posuere odio. Nullam eget bibendum sem, venenatis lacinia justo. Duis aliquet lobortis neque, eget volutpat nulla iaculis a.
Yes, we are always on the lookout for fresh talent. Feel free to check out the jobs section on our website and email us a demo of your work so we can go ahead from there!
Almost all of the work we do under parallax productions is as a work-for-hire. This means that you’re hiring us just like you’d hire any other musician or studio and so you keep ALL the rights to your song. No strings attached!
Yes. While we’re limited to the original quality of your recording, you’d be surprised at what we can do to even a cassette recording.
After you send us your idea, we’ll talk with you about your song to make sure we’re on the same page. If everything sounds good to you, we’ll send an invoice for an advance payment equal to half of the total. You can pay by credit/debit card, PayPal, or money order. We’ll get to work as soon as we receive your payment (50% of the total amount in advance). We don’t ask for the balance until you’re completely satisfied with our work.
We try not to rush things because we strive for the highest quality; however, we also try to be prompt and efficient. If we have a normal work load, all-inclusive production of one song is usually finished in between 1-2 weeks.